Parish Pastoral Council for Yellow Walls Parish Malahide

For over ten years, more than 5,000 committed and dedicated people have met regularly with their priests in the Dublin Diocese to consider the pastoral and spiritual needs of their communities and discern ways forward.

The Parish Pastoral Council is a faith-filled leadership group through which priests and people pray and work together as co-responsible partners in furthering the mission of Christ in their own parish

Parish Pastoral Councils (PPCs) have become important channels of communication within the diocese and they assist with the implementation of diocesan policy, e.g. child safeguarding. They are essential structures of participation and co-responsibility. They have an important role in helping parishes to fulfil the Mission of Jesus Christ.

The function Parish Pastoral Council is one of leadership and giving direction. It has a role of identifying pastoral priorities and ensuring these priorities are attended to by calling on the members of the parish to use their gifts in response to the needs identified.

The PPC is a voluntary body, consultative by its nature and set up to advise the Parish Priest in the governance of the Parish. It is regulated by the norms laid down by the Archbishop of Dublin. (C.L. 536.)

The council are co-responsible with the parish priest for the being and action of the parish.

Some thoughts of Parish Pastoral Council from around the Dublin Diocese:-

‘Serving on a PPC has been an enjoyable experience but also a steep learning curve.’

‘It has subtly broadened my faith beyond individual spirituality.’

‘It’s good to be with people who are like-minded. We gain strength from each other.’

‘We feel we are living out our own calling; not just ‘helping Father’.’

‘The challenge is to harness the energy in the community.’

The composition of the council are:

  • Ex officio members, all those who by virtue of their office are engaged in full-time pastoral ministry in the parish.
  • Four members elected by the parish community at a Parish Assembly;
  • Four parishioners elected from the geographical areas of the parish;
  • Three appointees of the Parish Priest because of their expertise in particular fields in consultation with the parish team and further consultation with the PPC when deemed necessary.
  • Representatives of the religious communities active in the parish.

PPC Serving Members are as follows: