Parish Grouping, Yellow Walls, Malahide, Kinsealy, Portmarnock

The Church of the Sacred Heart in Yellow Walls Parish, Malahide, Co. Dublin is grouped with three other Churches in North County Dublin. St. Sylvester’s in Malahide Village, St. Anne’s in Portmarnock and St. Nicholas of Myra in Kinsealy.

Below are the Mass Times for these Churches.

Mass Times at St. Sylvester’s Parish Malahide

St. Sylvester’s church in Malahide Village, celebrate mass from Monday to Friday at 10:00am. Sunday Mass is celebrated at 10:00am, at 11:15am on Sunday morning and on Sunday afternoon at 12:30pm and 5:30pm.

St. Sylvester’s Parish is grouped with our Church, the Church of the Sacred Heart in Yellow Walls Parish Malahide and with St. Anne’s in Portmarnock and St. Nicholas of Myra in Kinsealy.

Mass Times at St. Anne’s Parish Portmarnock

St. Anne’s Parish in Portmarnock, County Dublin is one of the four Churches grouped (or clustered) with the Church of the Sacred Heart in Yellow Walls Parish in Malahide. At St. Anne’s, they celebrate Holy Mass at 10:00am Monday to Friday. Saturday at 6:30pm. And on Sunday at 9:30am and 11:00am.

Mass Times at St. Nicholas of Myra Kinsealy Parish

The Church of St. Nicolas of Myra in Kinsealy, Co. Dublin is grouped with the parishes of Yellow Walls (Church of the Sacred Heart), St. Sylvester’s in Malahide village and St. Anne’s in Portmarnock.